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Publicly Available Collections

This section showcases collections curated by our user community. Collections can feature your personal research added to JournalMap, or existing literature already available in our system. When creating a collection, you have the option to keep it private until you're ready to publish it on the site.

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Discover a wide range of topics and research areas through these user-generated collections, and consider contributing your own to share your expertise and insights with our community.

Mongolian Rangelands

118 resources

Photogrammetry from Unmanned Aircraft systems

19 resources

Heteromyid Research

6 resources

Migratory Connectivity

7 resources

Northwest US & Climate change

86 resources

Animal Telemetry Articles

498 resources

South African Journal of Plant and Soil

1192 resources

Monitoring Manual for Grassland, Shrubland, and Savanna Ecosystems

54 resources

Enrique R. Vivoni Research Publications

8 resources

Climate Hub

113 resources

My Spatial Ecology Articles

16 resources

UArizona Rangeland Gateway: Altar Valley Collection

402 resources

Brandon Bestelmeyer

43 resources

Studies of Neotropical Fauna and Environment

725 resources

Grazing in Arid Environments

13 resources

Chihuahuan Desert

272 resources

Croplands Research Database (CRDB)

2570 resources

Coos Bay Georeferenced Bibliography

219 resources

GeoSpatial Ecologist

12 resources

Mike Duniway's research locations

15 resources

Debra Peters

45 resources

Climate Change Attitudes

24 resources

Remote Sensing and Rangelands

7 resources

Fuel Treatment for Forest Resilience and Climate Mitigation

10 resources

Northwest US, Climate change, & Agriculture

50 resources

Backward Citation Mapping: 10.1016/j.jenvman.2014.05.028

40 resources

Coos Bay Georeferenced Bibliography

219 resources

Animal Telemetry Project

499 resources

Charles Darwin

35 resources

Marine Ecology Progress Series

113 resources

West Nile Virus

1440 resources

Remote Sensing of Coal Mining

28 resources

Forward Citation Mapping: 'The effects of land use on the structure of ground-foraging ant communities in the Argentine Chaco'

40 resources

Backward Citation Mapping for 10.2307/2269603

44 resources

USAIN Research Project

46 resources

Toolik Field Station Publications

16 resources


300 resources

BioStor Articles

100 resources

Global Soil Respiration Database

990 resources


228 resources

Journal of Natural History

935 resources

Southwest Chapter of Ecological Society of America Research

41 resources

Aerial Photogrammetry for Measuring Soil Erosion

108 resources

Earth Observation with UAS

58 resources

Jeffrey Herrick

62 resources

Ecosphere (2010-2014)

427 resources

Conservation Physiology

119 resources

Environmental Research Letters

1045 resources